Xi Jinping:Note on the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization

Release time: 2024-07-22

Note on the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization

Xi Jinping


Entrusted by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, I will brief the plenum on the drafting of the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization。

I. Considerations on determining the agenda for the plenary session

Planning and deploying reform around the Party's central task is a successful experience of the Party's leadership in reform and opening up。Proceeding from practical experience and practical needs, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee decided that the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party should study the issue of further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization, mainly considering the following aspects。

First, this is an urgent need to gather people's hearts, pool strength, and realize the central task of the Party in the new era and new journey。Practice has fully proved that in the new period of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, our country has caught up with The Times in great strides, relying on reform and opening up。Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the historic achievements and historic changes in the cause of the Party and the country have also relied on reform and opening up。On the new journey of the new era, to open up a new situation in China's modernization drive, we still need reform and opening up。The Party's 20th National Congress set the central task of building a great modern socialist country in all respects, achieving the second centenary goal, and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization. It elaborated on the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements, and major principles of Chinese-style modernization, and made strategic plans for promoting Chinese-style modernization。To implement these strategic plans and turn the blueprint for Chinese-style modernization into reality, it is essential to further deepen reform in an all-round way, constantly improve institutions and mechanisms in all fields, and provide institutional guarantees for promoting Chinese-style modernization。

Second, this is an urgent need to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and modernize the country's governance system and governance capacity。Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have given priority to institutional building, improved institutions in all areas through comprehensively deepening reform, made the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics more mature and established, and significantly modernized the national governance system and capacity, providing a strong institutional guarantee for completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects。At the same time, we must be soberly aware that improving the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a dynamic process that will continue to develop with practice. Existing systems need to be constantly improved, and new areas and new practices need to promote institutional innovation and fill in the gaps in the system。In the face of the new situation and tasks, we must further deepen reform in an all-round way, continue to improve the system and mechanism in all aspects, consolidate the foundation, strengthen the advantages, strengthen the weaknesses, and constantly transform the advantages of China's system into the efficiency of national governance。

Third, this is an urgent need to promote high-quality development and better adapt to the changes in the principal contradiction facing Chinese society。At present, the prominent problem in promoting high-quality development is still unbalanced and inadequate development。比如,The market system is still not sound,The market is not yet fully developed,The relationship between the state and the market has not been fully straightened out,Innovation ability does not meet the requirements of high-quality development,The industrial system as a whole is large but not strong, complete but not fine,The situation of key core technologies being controlled by people has not fundamentally changed,The foundation of agriculture is not yet solid,There is still a wide gap in development between urban and rural areas and between regions and in income distribution,There are still shortcomings in ensuring people's livelihood and protecting the ecological environment,等等。To sum up, all these problems reflect changes in the principal problems facing society and are problems in the course of development. We must further deepen reform in an all-round way and work through institutional mechanisms to resolve them。

Fourth, this is an urgent need to address major risks and challenges and promote the steady and long-term development of the Party and the country。Promoting Chinese-style modernization is a brand new undertaking, and we will inevitably encounter various contradictions, risks and challenges on the road ahead。In particular, the world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century,Local conflicts and turbulence are frequent,Global problem intensifies,External repression and containment are escalating,China's development has entered a period of coexistence of strategic opportunities, risks and challenges, and increasing uncertainties and unpredictable factors,Various "black swan" and "gray rhino" events can occur at any time。To effectively cope with these risks and challenges and win the strategic initiative in the increasingly fierce international competition, we need to further deepen reform in an all-round way, prevent and defuse risks with a sound system, effectively respond to challenges, and develop new opportunities in crises and open new situations in times of change。

Second, on the drafting process of the decision

In November 2023, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee decided to establish the drafting group for the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, with me as the leader and comrades Wang Huning, CAI Qi and Ding Xuexiang as deputy leaders to undertake the drafting work under the leadership of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee。On December 8, the document drafting group held its first plenary meeting, and the drafting work of the document was officially launched。In more than seven months, the document drafting group conducted in-depth investigation and research, extensively solicited opinions, carried out thematic demonstration, and repeatedly discussed and revised。

In the process of drafting the draft decision, we focused on the following points: First, we summarized and applied the valuable experience of comprehensively deepening reform since reform and opening up, especially in the new era, and determined to abide by the principles and adhere to the correct political direction。Second, we plan to further comprehensively deepen reform by focusing on promoting Chinese-style modernization and implementing the Party's 20 National strategic plans, and adhere to a problem-oriented approach。Third, focus on key areas, highlight institutional reform, highlight major strategic and overarching reforms, highlight the leading role of economic structural reform, and highlight the leading role of reform。Fourth, we put the people first, and plan and advance reform in the overall, fundamental, and long-term interests of the people。Fifth, strengthen system integration, strengthen the overall planning and systematic layout of reform, and make all aspects of reform cooperate with each other, synergistic and efficient。

In drafting the documents for this plenary session, we carried forward democracy and pooled wisdom throughout the whole process。On November 27, 2023, the Party Central Committee issued a notice to solicit opinions from all regions, departments, and some cadres and the masses on the topics of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party。It is agreed that,The CPC Central Committee decided that the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee will focus on further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization,It shows the strong determination and strong sense of mission to carry out the reform to the end,It is a re-declaration of what banner and what road to take in the new era and the new journey,It is of great and far-reaching significance to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese modernization。Various regions and departments put forward many valuable suggestions on the theme, framework and important measures of the document, which provided an important reference for the drafting of the decision draft。

On May 7, 2024, the draft decision was issued to a certain extent within the Party for comments, to solicit the opinions of veteran party comrades, to listen to the opinions of the central committees of the democratic parties, the heads of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and representatives of non-party personages, and to listen to the opinions of relevant enterprises, experts and scholars。Judging by the feedback,It is agreed that,The draft of the decision focuses on the theme of promoting modernization in China and draws strategic measures for deepening reform comprehensively,Adhere to the correct political direction,We will focus on the major institutional and institutional issues that need to be solved to promote Chinese-style modernization and plan reforms,Clear theme,highlight,Practical and feasible measures,It is a general mobilization and general deployment to promote the comprehensive deepening of reform to the breadth and depth on the new journey of the new era,It fully embodies the historical initiative of improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and modernizing the national governance system and capacity,It will provide a strong driving force and institutional guarantee for the Chinese-style modernization。At the same time, various aspects put forward 1911 opinions and suggestions for revision。The drafting team carefully studied these opinions and suggestions and was able to absorb them as much as possible, making 221 amendments。

During the drafting process, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held three meetings and the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held two meetings to review and revise the draft decision submitted to this plenary session for deliberation。

Third, the basic framework and main contents of the draft decision

In addition to the introduction and concluding remarks, the draft decision has 15 parts, divided into three major sections。The first part is the first section, which is the general discussion, mainly expounding the great significance and overall requirements of further deepening reform in an all-round way and promoting Chinese-style modernization。The second section is the second section, which is a sub-discussion, mainly from the aspects of economy, politics, culture, society, ecological civilization, national security, national defense and the army。Part 15 is the third section, which mainly focuses on strengthening the Party's leadership of reform, deepening the reform of the party's building system, the construction of Party conduct and clean government, and the fight against corruption。The content items are sorted through, listing 60 items。

The draft decision anchors the goal of basically realizing socialist modernization by 2035, focuses on the deployment of major reform measures in the next five years, and has the following characteristics in terms of content。

First, we should give full play to the leading role of economic restructuring。Deepening reform of the economic system remains the focus of further deepening reform in an all-round way. The main task is to improve the institutions and mechanisms conducive to promoting high-quality development, create new drivers and new advantages for development, adhere to and implement the "two unswerving principles", build a large unified market across the country, and improve the basic system of the market economy。

The draft decision focuses on the core issue of properly handling the relationship between the government and the market, gives high priority to building a high-level socialist market economy, and makes arrangements in key areas and key links of economic restructuring。Focus on enhancing the core functions and core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises,It is proposed to enhance the strategic coordination among relevant management departments,We will improve the distribution and restructure of the state-owned economy,We will encourage state capital and state-owned enterprises to become stronger, better and bigger.We will promote the development of the non-public sector of the economy,Proposed the formulation of the private economy promotion law,We will strengthen law enforcement and judicial protection of property rights,To prevent and correct the use of administrative and criminal means to interfere in economic disputes。It is proposed to strengthen the review of rigid constraints on fair competition, clear up and abolish various regulations and practices that hinder the national unified market and fair competition, and improve the system and rules of the factor market。These measures will better stimulate the internal driving force and innovation vitality of the whole society。

The draft decision makes arrangements for improving the institutions and mechanisms for promoting high-quality economic development and promoting the development of new quality productive forces。Focusing on the development of productive forces characterized by high technology, high efficiency and high quality, it is proposed to strengthen the supply of new fields and new track systems, establish a future industrial investment growth mechanism, lead the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries with the improvement of national standards, and promote the agglomeration of various advanced production factors to the development of new quality productive forces。

The draft decision makes arrangements for improving the macroeconomic governance system。To improve the national strategic planning system and policy coordination mechanism;We will carry out coordinated reform of the fiscal and tax systems,We will increase the financial resources of local governments,We will expand local tax sources,We will expand support for local government special bonds at an appropriate level,We will appropriately strengthen the powers of the central government and increase the proportion of central government expenditure.We will improve the positioning and governance of financial institutions,We will improve the function of the capital market to coordinate investment and financing,We will improve the financial regulatory system。

The draft decision makes arrangements for improving the system and mechanism for integrated urban and rural development。To improve the system and mechanism for promoting new urbanization;Consolidate and improve the basic rural management system;Improve the support system for strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers and enriching peasants;We will deepen reform of the land system。

The draft decision makes arrangements for improving the system and mechanism of high-level opening up。Put forward the steady expansion of institutional opening;Deepen the reform of foreign trade system;Deepen the reform of the foreign investment and outbound investment management system;Optimize the layout of regional opening up;We will improve the mechanism for promoting high-quality Belt and Road cooperation。

Second, we need to build institutions and mechanisms to support comprehensive innovation。The draft decision comprehensively promotes the integrated reform of the system and mechanism of education and science and technology talents, emphasizes deepening the comprehensive reform of education, deepening the reform of the system and mechanism of science and technology, deepening the reform of the system and mechanism of talent development, and improving the overall efficiency of the national innovation system。

In the reform of the education system, it is proposed to promote the reform of colleges and universities by classification, establish a discipline setting adjustment mechanism and a personnel training model driven by the development of science and technology and the national strategic needs, and lay out urgently needed disciplines and specialties.We will improve the mechanism for scientific and technological innovation in universities and improve the efficiency of the application of achievements。

In the reform of science and technology system,We will strengthen the building of national strategic scientific and technological forces,We will improve the positioning and distribution of national research institutions, high-level research-oriented universities, and leading scientific and technological enterprises,Improve management of science and technology programs,Strengthen the forward-looking and leading layout of basic research, cross-cutting frontier areas, and key areas;We will strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation,Establish a mechanism to cultivate and strengthen leading scientific and technological enterprises;Scientific research institutions are allowed to adopt a more flexible management system than ordinary institutions,Explore the implementation of enterprise management;We will deepen reform to empower job-holders with scientific and technological achievements。

In the talent development system and mechanism reform,We need to accelerate the development of national strategic human resources,Improve the quality of all kinds of talents;We will improve the mechanism for discovering, selecting and cultivating young innovative talents,Better protect the treatment of young scientific and technological personnel;Strengthen the talent incentive mechanism,Persist in delegating authority to the main body of employment and freeing talents;We will improve the support and guarantee mechanism for overseas talent introduction。

Third, focus on comprehensive reform。The draft of the decision plans to further comprehensively deepen reform under the framework of coordinated promotion of the "five-in-one" overall layout and coordinated promotion of the "four comprehensives" strategic layout, and coordinated deployment of the reform of the economic system and reforms in other fields。

In the reform of democracy and the rule of law, we will make plans to improve the whole process of people's democratic institutions and improve the socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics。To strengthen the system of the people as masters of the country;Improve the mechanism of consultative democracy;Improve the system of community-level democracy;Improve the work pattern of the United front。Proposing to strengthen legislation in key areas, emerging areas and foreign-related fields;We will improve systems and mechanisms in which supervisory organs, public security organs, procuratorial organs, judicial organs and judicial administrative organs each perform their respective duties, and in which supervisory, investigation, procuratorial, judicial and enforcement powers cooperate and check each other.We will improve the mechanism for building a law-based society。

In the reform of cultural system,We will focus on promoting modernization in harmony between material civilization and spiritual civilization,It is proposed to promote the normalization and institutionalization of ideal and belief education,Improve the working mechanism for fostering, practicing and creating innovative civilizations;We will improve the supply mechanism for cultural services and products,Establish a mechanism for quality cultural resources to reach the grassroots level;Improve the comprehensive network management system;Promote the restructuring of the international communication pattern,Build a more effective international communication system。

In improving the system of ensuring and improving people's livelihood,We will improve the income distribution system,Standardize the order of income distribution;We will improve the policy environment for promoting entrepreneurship and employment,Support and standardize the development of new forms of employment;We will improve the social security system for people with flexible employment, rural migrant workers, and people with new forms of employment,Abolish all restrictions on participating in the household registration in the place of employment;It is proposed to accelerate the construction of a new model of real estate development,Fully endow each city government with the right to control the real estate market;We will deepen reform of the medical and health care systems,Implement the health-first development strategy;We will improve the system of supporting and providing services for population development,We will improve the birth support policy system and incentive mechanism,We will improve and develop policies and mechanisms for elderly care services and the elderly care industry,We will gradually raise the statutory retirement age in a steady and orderly manner in accordance with the principle of voluntariness and flexibility。

In the reform of ecological civilization system,We will improve the basic system for promoting ecological progress,We will improve the ecological and environmental governance system,Improve the mechanism for green and low-carbon development;It proposed the implementation of a regional, differentiated, and precise ecological environmental management system,We will improve the mechanism for compensating for horizontal ecological protection,We will implement fiscal, tax, financial, investment, and pricing policies and standard systems to support green and low-carbon development,We will accelerate the planning and development of a new energy system。

Fourth, we need to balance development and security。National security is an important foundation for the steady progress of China's modernization。The draft gives greater prominence to safeguarding national security,We will focus on modernizing our national security system and capabilities,It is proposed to build an interconnected and efficient national security protection system,Advancing science and technology empowerment for national security;Improve the guarantee system for handling major public emergencies;Establish an artificial intelligence safety supervision system;Explore the establishment of a national unified population management system;We will improve the overall prevention and control system for public order,To severely punish illegal and criminal activities strongly expressed by the masses in accordance with the law。Put forward to establish and improve the perimeter security coordination mechanism;Improve anti-sanctions, anti-interference and anti-" long-arm jurisdiction "mechanisms;We will improve trade risk prevention and control mechanisms, improve foreign-related laws and regulations and the rule of law enforcement system, and deepen international cooperation in law enforcement and justice。In order to continue deepening the reform of national defense and the armed forces, we proposed improving the leadership and management systems of the people's armed forces, deepening the reform of the joint operations system, and deepening cross-military and civilian reform。

Fifth, focus on strengthening the Party's leadership over reform。The Party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee for further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization。The draft decision proposes to improve the mechanism for implementing major decisions of the CPC Central Committee;We will deepen reform of the cadre and personnel system,Clearly establish the right direction for selecting and employing people,We will vigorously select cadres who are politically competent, dare to take on responsibilities, are committed to reform, have outstanding achievements, and are honest and clean,Efforts should be made to solve the problems of disorderly actions, inaction, dare not take action, and inadequacy of cadres;Establish and practice a correct view of performance,Implement the "three distinctions",Encourage cadres to forge ahead, do business;Strengthen the political and organizational functions of party organizations;We will improve systems and mechanisms for preventing and controlling formalism and bureaucracy,We will improve the mechanism for jointly investigating and dealing with irregularities and corruption,We will enrich effective measures to prevent and control new types of corruption and hidden corruption。

It is hoped that all comrades will have a deep understanding of the spirit of the CPC Central Committee, closely focus on the theme of the plenary session, put forward constructive comments and suggestions for amendments, and work together to make this plenary session a success and revise the draft decision。

Beijing, July 21 (Xinhua)

Source: Xinhua